a painting in progress

this painting has evolved so many times. and i just can't seem to finish it.

image by Yoshitoma Nara, taken from Yoshitomo Nara: Nobody's Fool

lately i've been especially inspired by artist, yoshitomo nara. i saw a wonderful documentary on him, his art and exhibitions called Traveling With Yoshitomo Nara

image by Yoshitoma Nara, taken from Yoshitomo Nara: Nobody's Fool

Then I picked up the book Yoshitomo Nara: Nobody's Fool

And ever since, I've had it on my mind to paint close-up self-portraits inspired by Nara's artwork., especially now that I'm painting larger pieces.

I've been photographing them along the way too... and this one started out as this girl in a sweet red dress (inspired by a red velvet dress I wanted to wear every day when I was little).

And looking at this in-progress photo now, I love this piece...and i wonder why on earth didn't i stick with that girl?

And then she evolved into this blond girl...and I have to say, especially since I'm having trouble finding and keeping this girl's eyes, I'm loving her now too.

But with this girl, I just haven't been able to stop. 

And when she finally got this crazy hair...I really fell in love with her!

She currently looks pretty much like this. i hate to white out her eyes again, but something just isn't speaking to me. So I've been looking at her every day...standing back and wondering. i'm happy to be giving it all a bit of time, because i know she will come into herself...but i am just wondering what this painting will turn into next. 


once she's finished, i'll share with you all of the in-progress shots...quite a story behind this piece too.


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