Of course there were those that couldn't resist eating the cones, but were sensible enough not to eat those that had been filled with sand!
Links to EYFS:
CD: Developing Imagination and Imaginative Play - where children are using the available resources to support their role-play
CLL: Language for Communication - where children interact with each other during their play, taking turns in conversation.
CLL: Language for Thinking - where children use language to pretend.
PSRN: Numbers as Labels and for Counting - If children use number language in their play, for example, asking for two icecreams
KUW: Communities - where children are involved in role-play / where the role play highlights their interest in occupations.
PSED: Making Relationships - where children form friendships with others during their play and show an awareness of the needs of others during their play for example, taking turns with roles or negotiating a storyline.
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