Outdoor Creative Kitchen Role-play

As last week was such a lovely week, we took our role-play kitchen outside.  Being outdoors meant we could be as messy as we liked so we added some extras to our kitchen.  These included extra bowls and spoons and a variety of ingredients (coffee, food colouring, salt, flour, water, rice krispies, baking powder, vinegar, cornflour, lavender, chives, hair gel, toothpaste, shaving foam).  The children got to work straight away and were engaged in the activity for the majority of the morning.
The assorted containers provided opportunities to develop our hand and arm muscles,
and stirring!
As well as coordinating the actions of both our hands.

The children made me some fantastic concoctions, lucky me!
 And once I was full up they moved on to other unsuspecting victims!!
But don't worry, we cleaned dolly up afterwards!
One of us discovered that the greater the force used to drop dolly into the bath, the bigger the splash!!

Links to EYFS:
CD: Developing Imagination and Imaginative Play - where children pretend they are cooking / making potions etc.
CD: Exploring Media and Materials - where children talk about and describe the texture of their mixture.
PD: Using Equipment and Materials - where children show good control over their use of equipment, for example when using spoons to scoop and mix.
PSRN: Numbers as Labels and for Counting - where children use numbers, for example, counting spoonfuls into their bowls.
CLL: Language for Communication - when children talk about and describe what they are doing.


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