lately whenever i paint, i just have to paint whimsical girls again!
i'm always in love with their faces, but can't seem to get their scene right.
i'm playing a lot with color and ambiguity, so it will be fun to see how what i'm learning in flora bowley's class at the do what you love retreat effects this painting when i get home.
because i'm trying to define some shapes like these teardrops...
but so often it feels rushed, so i cover it all up and create a new scene.
i've been gardening so much and thinking of growing all of my own of course here she went into becoming a farmer. and i loved her, but for some reason she just wasn't right.
so she got red hair. and almost everything went black except for one lamp post in the background.
and then her hair got even more orange and her scene got even darker.
i'm not quite sure where this girl is going...but i'm excited to find out and see just how she and her story evolves from here!
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