Beach Small World

After our visit to the beach this week, I set up a small world beach in one of our trays.  Initially I set it up in the sand tray, but we encountered a few problems.
Our first problem was the combination of sand and water...
...we found that our beach kept sliding into the sea and and the children spent the majority of their time trying to rescue it. 
 So we replaced the water with laminated blue paper.
The next problem was that some of us still wanted to explore the sand tray in our usual way - digging, grabbing handfuls of sand and watching it fall etc (notice the small hand in the corner!)  This inevitably led to arguements.
So our beach was quickly relocated to one of our sensory trays.
I used; material sample squares for picnic rugs, cut down bamboo skewers and gummed paper to make a wind shield, a water bottle lid for a bucket....
...I made boats from foil and again used gummed paper and cut down bamboo skewers to make a sail (secured with plastercine)...
....I then added plastic shot glasses for shell collecting buckets, large rocks, shells, crabs and duplo figures.
It was fascinating to listen to the stories J developed as she played.
This aroused the interest of the other children who became involved in play.
Anyone else want to join in our picnic!
Couldn't quite hear what the queue was for (probably the toilet!)
As J loves play involving rescuing and saving people, I thought I would add a shark to the tray next week!
play academy


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