Paper Beads

One of the little boys I look after currently is very interested in threading, so I thought I could get the older children making paper beads that we could then use to make necklaces.  These are really easy to make.
 I used gummed paper, but these are equally easy to make with normal paper.  To make the beads:
1.  Cut out isosceles triangles from your sheet of paper (mine were 3cm wide and as long as the width of the paper).
2.  Starting with the widest end of the triangle roll them up around an object like a pen (great for small motor development!)
3. When you get near to the end of the triangle, wet down if using gummed paper, or spread glue onto the end of the paper and then continue to roll.  Once rolled, slide the bead carefully off of the pen.
We thought shiny beads would be fab, so painted ours with glitter gel.
The bead rolling, took lots of concentration!
But they looked really effective!
We then set about creating our necklaces.
We had to be careful not to squash them (but they were quite sturdy).
The children were really pleased with their necklaces.
As they found them quite easy to thread, I've made them some smaller beads to make necklaces with next week!


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