on owl love

moonbelly. prints available in my etsy shop.

A lot of people have been asking whether I’m afraid to be sharing all of my secrets whenever I teach or share my work.

 And lately it's something I've been thinking a lot about... with my How To Paint An Owl article in Somerset Studio magazine, my workshops and e-course. Students ask whether it’s alright to take what they’ve learned in my workshops and use those techniques in their paintings and post them online. And whether it's okay to sell those paintings.

Well, the other day I stumbled upon an interview with Maya Angelou on Oprah Winfrey's Master Class series (it's so worth watching!). And when I watched this video, Maya Angelou's words mirrored how I feel about it all.

The video is called, "Hold Nothing Back" (January 16, 2011). In it Maya says, "I hold nothing back. Because I want to see that light go off. I like to see that you would think 'I never thought of that before.' And I think I've got them!"

When I watch that video and hear Maya Angelou speak I get shivers. Because why on earth would I want to hold anything back when I get emails from people who have been so inspired by my work and teaching and created these lovely paintings...

by cherie richter...inspired by my owl workshop

and when i see this gorgeous artwork created in my workshops...

by jane tormey

by steph hennes

by sarah hennes

Not to mention all of the AMAZING artwork that has been created during the last 5 weeks while I've been teaching my HOW TO PAINT AN OWL e-course! GORGEOUS!!! And hopefully I'll be lucky enough to share some of that art with you here too!

If someone paints an owl or character inspired by my class, lessons or writing…it’s always wonderful to add a link from wherever you've posted your work to my website or blog, whether you’re posting your creation on facebook or your own blog.

Since this is how I make my living, any and all mentions, links, and kind words about me and my work are always appreciated. 

autumn wind. prints available in my etsy shop.

If someone copied one of my paintings, whether it was an owl, a girl, or any one of my characters, and used the same color palette and posture along with the techniques I teach in my workshops… well, then I wouldn’t be happy. Especially if the artist didn't mention my work and if that piece of art was available for sale. If you’re selling a painting inspired by my work or my workshops and you feel it seems a bit too close to something I or someone else has created, then it probably is.

If you're starting with something similar to one of my characters, techniques or backgrounds, I feel it’s important to keep pushing yourself to uncover your own story from there.  

share your gifts. prints available in my etsy shop.

I’m passionate about others finding and following whatever they’re passionate about in life. And that doesn’t just mean being inspired to paint, but to create anything you’ve been dreaming about, whether it’s turning your guest bedroom into a library, working at a winery for the summer or taking photos on your morning walks. To me, it’s about learning something new and being inspired to create something and take it in your own direction.

I know I am always learning. My style and artwork is always evolving. That’s why I don’t mind teaching everything I learn because I’m usually already learning or trying something new. So it only seems natural to share. 

I’m here to share my art and to give others a place to begin. My hope is that their imagination can wander from there! 


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